TAGP504 Chris Savage : A Dream Come True - Building A Company With My University Buddy


Chris Savage Founder and CEO of the video marketing platform Wistia. Chris inspires us about his dream come true: 

having the opportunity to work alongside his friend from University to build a company.


Resources: Website / Twitter  / Linkedin 

Here are the 3 things I learned from Chris:

  • Working alongside your startup co-founder who is happens to be your best friend from University is fun, FUN, FUN!
  • Becoming your own customer is a great way to improve your product
  • A successful startup takes many years and lots of persistence. In the case of Chris's startup, he slowly reached about 30 customers over 3 years, but this was followed by a breakout resulting in a rapid climb to 500 customers. 

TAGP503 Dmitry Dragilev : How To Get Free Press for Your App Startup

Dmitry Dragilev., founder of JustReachOut.io Dmitry single handedly grew a startup from 0 to 40M+ pageviews through PR and got acquired by Google a few years back. He has published 1300+ articles in press and has written guest articles for most major tech publications. He currently runs a PR SaaS called JustReachOut and PR coaching course PRThatConverts currently used by 3500+ entrepreneurs and startups to find and pitch journalists without the help of PR firms. 


Resources: Website / Twitter  / Linkedin 

Extra resources: 


Here are the 3 things I learned from Dmitry:

  • A good way to reach out to a tech journalist is find a way to add value and start a conversation before pitching anything
  • The wrong way to reach out to an influencer is simply emailing something like: "He John, I have a new app launching and..."
  • What journalists want to receive in an email: something that’s less than 200 words; subject line less than 65 characters. No PR releases, no attached stuff to it and into the inbox around 8 AM

TAGP502 James Eder : User Does A 500K Business Deal As A Result Of Using This App


James Eder Founder & Chief Collision Creator @ Causr.co . James recently launched his app startup, but he already has a user who has generated over $500,000 in business as a result of using his app CAUSR. James is seeking a tech co-founder. Can you help?


Resources: Website / Twitter  / Linkedin 

Here are the 3 things I learned from James: 

  • Remember, people do business with people
  • A clever way to launch an app. (1) Build a quick web app, get lots of feedback and ask questions. (2) Find relevant communities in places like LinkedIn groups. (3) Build the app based on what you learned from your beta test and launch it to your own audience you've built during the testing phase
  • Networking through an app is best when the people you want to meet are nearby and the purpose of you nextworking is put into context.

TAGP501 Vivek Chugh : Entrepreneur.com Thinks This App Might Just Take Over Facebook

Vivek Chugh, Founder of Listables walks us through his appreneur journey. Leaving a successful career at Zynga, Vivek devotes himself to his app idea. Listables is a collaborative checklist app built on the back of community. Learn from this inspiring entrepreneur as he talks us through the ups and downs over his 18 month app startup. 


Resources: Website / Twitter  / Linkedin / Entrepreneur.com Article (app formerly known as OneHive)

Here are the 3 things I learned from Vivek:

  • You can bootstrap your app startup if you simply "put your mind to it"
  • Managing costs is essential when you are bootstrapping 
  • Finding clever ways to partner with big brands or (in this case) a well known charity can give you much needed exposure outside of the app store

TAGP500 Skype Co-Founder Jaan Tallinn - Our Biggest Existential Threat Is A.I

Jaan Tallin : Skype Co-Founder talks about artificial intelligence being our biggest existential threat to a humans as a species. Will we survive? Listen to find out....

Read interview on Medium


Here are the 3 things I learned from Jaan:

  • AI is just one of the many potential existential risks, but there is a possibility that humans are wiped off the face of our planet

  • As a rule of thumb, you can’t buy scientific breakthroughs with money

  • It's interesting to deliberate about what AI would do if they discovered their 'on/off switch' which is controlled by humans?

TAGP499 Paul Kemp : Answering Your Questions On App Funding, Beta Testers, App Launches And More

I'm Paul Kemp, an app entrepreneur, podcaster and active maker and launcher of apps. I've helped to launch a #2 chart topping recipe app and a #1 music app on Apple’s App Store. 

I'm probably best known for hosting "The App Guy Podcast” which is in its forth year and has almost 500 recorded episodes with successful founders and app entrepreneur guests from around the world.


TAGP497 Abe Cohn The Next Gold Rush Is Called The Green Rush

Abe Cohn is the COO of THC Legal Group. Abe focuses much of his energies on navigating through the complex landscape of the cannabis industry. Look at the resources below for links.

Abe talks about the next Gold Rush which is now being called:

'The Green Rush"

Abe also gives us valuable insights on brand protection, patents and the legal aspects of A.I


Resources: THC LEGAL GROUP / Twitter