TAGP485 Brian David Crane : Winning, Losing, Winning Again With CallerSmart

Brian David Crane founder of CallerSmart is my inspirational guest today. We talk about his early win, selling a company at the age of 24. We talk about his losing streak with a failed project to conquer 25 countries at the age of 25 and also losing in the 2008 credit crunch. In this amazing entrepreneurial journey, Brian transforms his life by building a successful company whilst living as a digital nomad. Thanks to the amazing Andreas Kambanis for this great connection.

Location for recording this episode:

TAGP484 Stories From Travelling Through Asia Pt2: Living On A Small Paradise Island

Stories From Travelling Through Asia Pt2: Living On A Small Paradise Island. As a follow-up to my last episode, I continue my own story about travelling through Asia. This time, I focus on the Gili Islands and Bali, both located in Indonesia. I record this episode from a fantastic bamboo digital hub in Ubud with internet speeds over 75 mb/s (download and upload).  Get inspired!

Mentioned: Hubud / Canggu 


TAGP480 Brian Sanders : We Have A Vision For What Podcasting Can Be And We Need Listeners To Help Guide Us Build It

Brian Sanders founder of Nexcast. In Brian's words:

“So you spent the first few years trying to pitch this idea to podcast celebrities, trying to get a business model and totally get ignored. Then you bail on a startup that you’d sunk a year into and about 10 grand on. Then you magically built this team, one person off of a reddit thread, and the other by doing a bait-n-switch on a legitimate programmer who just happened to have the exact skill set you were looking for?”

Resources: Website  / Linkedin

Mentioned: Get on the waitlist for our beta at http://nexcast.co

TAGP479 John Paul : A Founder Gets To Do What Matters To Them

John Paul is the founder and CEO of VenueNext. Responsible for leading the startup, VenueNext on a mission to set a new and much higher standard for live event experiences for both fans and venue operators. VenueNext is the company behind the Levi’s® Stadium app, a context-aware app that for the first time connects fans with everything the venue has to offer. VenueNext’s platform unifies the venue infrastructure ecosystem giving venue owners access to an entirely new suite of sophisticated software tools and services that enhance business.

TAGP478 Louie La Vella : I Will Beat You At Music Marketing EVERYTIME

Louie La Vella is the president of La Vella Nightlife Marketing and Events. "Louie La Vella's clients are entertainment personalities, nightclubs, concerts and festivals, and he creates strategies to make them a lot of money (not that Lady Gaga needs it....). Learn how to market your app from the best music marketer in the business.

Resources: Website / Twitter / Linkedin